I’m very happy to announce a new pack of Launchpad devices available over at Isotonik.
This pack includes 3 apps for the Novation Launchpad MK1/Mini/S/MK2.
S7epper mk2 is an update of my free s7epper device based on the 7up monome app. It allows sequencing of 7 MIDI notes with a second sequencer controlling the play of up to 8 pattern pages.
Paragome is a dynamic arp layering tool based on the Polygome monome app. Up to 6 fully editable patterns can be layered and played live across the grid.
Orbit is an original circular sequencer and live performance tool. 8 notes can be sequenced, hits can be triggered live and Live parameters can be triggered through the Live API.
The pack also includes the Nexus device which allows simultaneous use of all 3 devices together in one Live Set. There is a separate version for MK1 and MK2.
MK1 users can also play all of my free Launchpad devices with the Nexus device.